Special Considerations for UURAF and Mid-SURE Abstracts

Every UURAF and Mid-SURE submission requires an abstract, which are published in the online program book. Visitors to UURAF and Mid-SURE will review your abstract when deciding which presentations to attend, so it is important that the abstract follows the appropriate format and succinctly describes your research. Here are some additional points to consider when writing your UURAF or Mid-SURE abstract:

  • Abstracts are limited to 250 words in length. Any over the word limit will be truncated in the program booklet.
  • Submit abstracts as one paragraph with no breaks and no footnotes.
  • Draft versions are accepted when registering for UURAF and Mid-SURE. You will have an opportunity to provide a final version for the program booklet.
  • Many visitors to UURAF and Mid-SURE will be unfamiliar with your discipline and its vocabulary. Take this into consideration when writing your abstract.
  • Do not include symbols or a course number (e.g., EAD 315) in the title.
  • Symbols (e.g., Δ, σ, β, °, ≤, ±) and italics may not transfer correctly into the UURAF or Mid-SURE database. If your abstract contains symbols or italics, please upload a PDF of your abstract during registration or email to
  • We encourage all students to review their abstracts with their research mentors to make sure that copyright or intellectual property (IP) issues are not a factor.
