Arkesh Das headshot
My advice to students looking to get involved in research would be to connect with your professors, TAs, and anyone else you know that is currently involved in research. My research project initially started as a project proposal that I had written as an honors option for one of my elective classes, and after I submitted it to my professor at the end of the semester, he invited me to actually do that research under him in his lab.

Biotechnology and Data Science

Research Topic: Figuring out the genetic elements responsible for Terpene Production in Sorghum, Modeling Counterstereotypes using Bayesian Probabilities Graduation Year: 2026

Undergraduate Research Ambassador

Research Poster Located in the Neighborhood Engagement Centers

Research Experience:


  • Professorial Assistant in Hamberger Lab (Molecular Plant Science)
  • Independent project in Cognitive Psychology


  • PCR
  • Sanger Sequencing
  • Gele Electrophoresis
  • Transform the genetic sequence between vectors
  • Induce transient expression of transgenes
  • Poster presentations
  • Data cleaning analysis 
  • Project design and experimental protocol

Campus Involvement:

  • Community Outreach Director for Honors Times Two
  • Phi Delta Epsilon Member
  • MSU Swim Club Member
  • Sparrow Hospital Volunteer

Post-Graduation Plans:

  • Medical School