Grant Bruninga headshot
Getting involved in research as early in your time at MSU will allow you to not only get hands-on experience in a field that interests you but will also allow you to build a strong network.


Research Topic: Measuring the Genetic Diversity of Great Lakes Burbot (Lota Iota) using Microsatellite Genotyping and Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Graduation Year: 2025

Undergraduate Research Ambassador

Research Poster Located in the Neighborhood Engagement Centers

Research Experience

Current Research

    • Genomic Basis for Climate Change Adaptation in Lake Superior Brook Trout and Lake Trout 

Previous Research

    • Genetic Population Structure of Lake Herring Using Microsatellite Analysis

    • Microsatellite Genotyping and Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Great Lakes Burbot

    • Understanding California Mountain Lion Diet Through DNA Metabarcoding


    • DNA Metabarcoding

    • Sanger Sequencing

    • Next-Generation Sequencing

    • DNA extraction

    • PCR

    • Gel Electrophoresis

    • Microsatellite Analysis

    • Bioinformatic Pipelines in R

    • Genetic Analysis Software (GeneMarker and ARLEQUIN)

Campus Involvement

    • H-STAR Member

    • Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Member

    • Professorial Assistant 

Post-Graduation Plans

    • Graduate School to continue studying conservation genetics.